Ocean Climate Change

Changes in the ocean affect the entire planet. Recent scientific observations have shown the effects of climate change on the ocean. The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is slowing. AMOC brings warm water northward from equatorial regions, where it cools and sinks. But the melting of ice sheets in Greenland adds tons of fresh water to our oceans, causing desalinization and making surface water less dense so that it doesn’t sink. That slows the current, meaning less heat travels north. Various effects of this change have already occurred, as in the case of arctic winter connections in Texas. Ocean climate change is real, and it is already happening and affecting the weather.

Below, we’ve provided links to sites where you can sign ocean climate change petitions and add your voice to a chorus of concern, demanding action on climate change and the ocean.

PETITION — The ocean covers 71% of the Earth and absorbs one-third of the carbon dioxide generated by human activities. From seagrass and seaweed to mangroves and megafauna, the ocean provides a range of natural resources to promote biodiversity and capture carbon.

PETITION — More than 70% of our planet is covered in water, and yet less than 2% of the ocean is fully protected. Urge world leaders to protect 30% of the ocean by 2030.


PETITION — Right now, companies are creating crushing amounts of plastic pollution, and New Yorkers are forced to bear the costs. But a new bipartisan bill could change that and hold manufacturers–not taxpayers–accountable for the pollution they produce.